Held in The Clubhouse – Curwen Park (adjacent to the Track). Sundays Public Running from 1.00 – 3.00pm at Curwen Park Track. Wednesdays Members meet. Members Business Meetings will normally be on a Wednesday at 2.00pm if required & notified by an AGENDA Weather permitting.
AGENDA for ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2024 The 19th AGM of the limited company will be held on Wednesday 06th March at 2.00pm in The Club House Curwen Hall Park A chance to meet most of your fellow members Apologies 1. Receive Chairman’s report 2. Receive Treasurers report for the year to November 30th 2023. 3. To re-appoint Mr D Cormac as Chairman and Director 4. To re-appoint Mr J Harkness as Vice Chairman and Director 5. To --- appoint Mr T McDonald as Secretary 6. To re-appoint Mr D I Davies as Treasurer 7. To re-appoint Messers D Cormac and I Dale to be independent examiners of the accounts in accordance with Article 54. 8. To confirm appointment of Messers D Cormac, D Percival, J Harkness, T H Jones & D I Davies as boiler inspectors for copper boilers (not requiring witnesses) for a further year. 9. To confirm the Subs as £25 Adults; £20 Retired Members of 65+ ; £2 Children 8 – 17yrs Close of AGM – Open MBM (short) 1. Establish/Confirm diary dates for 2024/25 – if possible · Members are requested to pay year subscription except if you joined after the 1st October last year in which case your subscription covers you until the next years AGM. Membership Cards will be available Tom Jones Hon Sec 22 February 2024